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Our First Renovation

It’s finally sinking in. In two months, HandyMan and I will have our first home together. We’ve both had our own condos separately, but this will be our first place together, as soon-to-be-husband-and-wife. We were sooooo tired of the condo grind. Do you know what its like to renovate a condo when you can only work between the hours of 9am-7pm weekdays and 12pm-4pm on Saturdays? No wonder it took us over a year to finish the renovations!

And in a condo, everything is everywhere. There’s no back shed to store your tools so the general feeling of living in a condo while you’re doing renos is one of “chaos”. You’d be surprised at how easy it is to get used to using 8 stacked packs of laminate as a coffee table :)

It was a great learning experience though. We got to try out a few things on a small scale. Like the workspace - we built it out of a former storage closet by knocking out a wall and installing some Ikea kitchen cabinets. We also had a custom desktop installed by one of HandyMan’s friends in the trade. It turned out pretty sweet.

Its interesting too how a house changes you. Because of this condo, I will forever more always have a wood-burning fireplace in my home. Have to have one. Got to. It’s a must. Won’t be home without it.

And so too, I can say that I will never live in a condo again. It was me once, and now, I want something ‘more’. I’m sure our new home will live up to that expectation.

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