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DAY 1 - April 23 2007

And so the adventure begins. Tonight, the fiance (HandyMan) and I met with our realtor. We've decided to put in our first bid on a house. Its a beautiful 70-year old two story red brick structure in typical North Toronto style. This blog will chronicle our house adventures, in the hunt, the chase, the demolition, the renovating, and the eventual creation of our next "home"

I hope we get this house...Lord knows we have 'stalked' the place enough. "House stalkers", that's what we are. HandyMan and I have a habit of driving or walking by the same houses time after time. We'll peek in windows to try and catch a glimpse of your hardwood. We'll creep just up to your back gate to check out your decking. Night stalking is our favourite past-time. Its so easy to stand on the sidewalk and see your whole first floor when you've got the lights on and the curtains drawn! We're friendly stalkers though. We mean no harm...seriously, we're just there to steal some ideas ;)

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