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Anyone else feel nauseous?

So we did it... we put in our bid... let the house gods decide what they may. There were 7 offers on the table - 7 - not 0, not 2 - 7. That means 7 other people can see the potential in this little house. Or can they? Maybe they're just a bunch of developers whose only intent it is to tear down the place. What a shame that would be. All the beautiful wainscoting, the leaded glass, the stained glass windows, turned to a pile of rubble. See, HandyMan and I want to preserve the place, bring out its inner beauty. That should count for something, no?

I know we're already too heavily invested emotionally. We've stalked the place many times (see my previous post) and already know what renos we want to make. I know... that's just wrong, counting my chickens before they hatch. Even worse, we've gone through some of my old House & Home magazines and tagged pics of things we want to do. I would be so sad if we didn't get the chance to make this house as beautiful as I know it can be. Crossing my fingers...

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