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A Festive Dulce De Leche Latte

Are you ready for the holidays? I have just a few gifts left to wrap and then I can focus on enjoying the season. We'll be hosting both our annual Pancakes & Pajamas party, and Christmas so things around here will be lively and fun. I can't wait to welcome family and friends into our home.

The holidays for me are all about tradition. There's a comfort I feel by doing things the same way I've done them in the past so while the Christmas dinner menu might change, I always set the table with our fine china, Sean always makes his lemon tart for dessert, and we end the evening with a good cup of coffee.

dulce de leche latte | saeco moltio espresso machine

It's no secret I'm addicted to my espresso machine. I start each day with a latte or cappuccino. I've cut back on sugar in my coffee but milk in my coffee is something I will never ever give up! ;)

When the folks at Dairy Farmers of Canada reached out to tell me about their A Glass For Santa video, I realized that milk is part of my holiday memories too. Not just in that glass we leave out on Christmas Eve, but in our baking memories and hot chocolate memories and coffee with friends memories too.

The holidays require something special so I wanted to share a quick and easy recipe for a festive coffee. This is the season to treat yourself, right? Indulge in it for an afternoon treat or quickly whip it up to impress those unexpected guests.

This Dulce De Leche Latte combines coffee with the rich caramel goodness of dulce de leche. You can make dulce de leche using whole milk, or buy it pre-made from the grocery store. I've made this using my espresso machine but you could also use a strong brewed coffee and frothy milk made at home just as easily.

dulce de leche latte


1 tsp dulce de leche
1 cup whole milk
1 shot espresso or 1 oz strong brewed coffee
Sprinkle of grated chocolate

  • Using an espresso machine or other methods, prepare frothy steamed milk
  • Pour steamed milk into a latte mug
  • Add espresso/coffee to the steamed milk
  • Stir in 1 tsp of dulce de leche until dissolved
  • Spoon foam on top
  • Using a microplaner, grate chocolate over the foam
  • Rim the latte mug with dulce de leche for an extra treat
  • Enjoy immediately!

steamed milk | Saeco moltio espresso machine

steamed milk | Saeco moltio espresso machine
dulce de leche latte recipe
dulce de leche latte recipe

Mmm, I'm looking forward to enjoying a few of these lattes over the next few weeks. But there are some instances when only a simple, cold cup of milk will do...

cookies and milk for santa

Sharing that glass of milk and cookies with my husband around midnight is a fond memory too. Any parents out there relate? What are some of your favourite holiday traditions?

Disclosure: This post has been prepared in partnership with Dairy Farmers of Canada. Thank you for supporting the brands and businesses that make this blog possible.

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