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Large Floating Art in DIY Shadow Box Frame

One of the last projects we completed for the basement renovation was a DIY shadowbox frame for my
pig art. 

I bought the art two years ago but couldn't decide how to frame it. It's a large piece of art and having it professionally framed wasn't in the budget so I knew we had to come up with an inexpensive solution. Then I came across this post and knew we could do something similar on a larger scale. 

DIY Shadowbox Frame

diy shadow box frame, how to make a floating frame, IKEA Ribba shadow box frame

Unfortunately, I don't have step by step photos for this project as we completed it late at night at HandyMan's architecture office. But hopefully, you can decipher the process from these steps:


  • IKEA Ribba frame
  • two sheets of 1/4" foam board (each one at least equal to the size of the frame)
  • Utility knife
  • Metal ruler
  • Hot glue gun


  1. First, you will need to create a shadowbox effect by using foam separators to position the back of the frame away from the front plastic piece. 
    • Measure the inner depth of the frame. From this number, subtract the depth of the backing and the depth of the foam board (1/4"). This will give you the separator depth (call this D).
    • Measure the length of the two shorter inner sides of the frame. Call this length L1. Measure the length of the two longer inner sides of the frame and subtract 1/2" from this dimension. Call this L2.
  2. Take your first piece of foam board. Use your utility knife and a metal ruler to cut two strips equal to D x L1 and two strips equal to D x L2.
  3. Using hot glue, attach the foam strips to the inside sides of the frame.
  4. Measure the length and width of your art. Still using your first piece of foam board, cut a piece  equal to (Length - 1") x (Width - 1")
  5. Hot glue this foam board centred to the back of the art. This will allow the art to float and appear separated from the backing board.
  6. Measure the length and width of the backing. Take your second piece of foam board and cut it equal to this length and width.
  7. Take the art and hot glue it onto the centre of this large foam board.
  8. Place the large foam board face down on top of the foam separators. 
  9. The Ribba backing comes with small 'pins' to hold it in place but now these won't work since you've added the separators. Use hot glue and/or tape to hold the backing in place instead.

diy shadow box frame, how to make a floating frame, IKEA Ribba shadow box frame
diy shadow box frame, how to make a floating frame, IKEA Ribba shadow box frame

The shadowbox effect and floating art really give dimension to the piece. It now has a grander presence and helps to fill up the blank wall.

diy shadow box frame, how to make a floating frame, IKEA Ribba shadow box frame

Finally, the piggies have a home!

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