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Here and There

You can catch me today over at Christine's giving my take on a stylish nursery for a little boy. If you don't know, Ms. Bijou and Boheme she is uber-talented and oozes a frothy mix of sophistication and whimsey so putting this board together for her was like one of the most intimidating things ever. Head on over to see how I did.


Yes, that is a photo of me and Chloe in her nursery. We're featured in the March issue of This Old House magazine alongside some of my fave DIY bloggers sharing thrifty ideas for the home. Though I really dislike seeing myself in print or on TV, I just might blow up a life-size print of this photo (taken by the amazing Stacey Brandford. Eeek!). I hope memories of this room and this window seat stay tucked away in Chloe's mind for a very long time.

The nice folks at the Washington Post Express magazine kindly gave me a mention (page 39) in an article about home bloggers . Thanks!


The latest issue of House of Fifty is now available. I was asked to contribute along with some other bloggers on how to beat the winter blues. Being from Canada, I've kinda got some experience in that area :) Thanks Courtney and Janell for including me in the publication! You can pick up your copy here.


Sending out a big thank you to everyone who thinks enough of our work and blog to include us in your publications. You guys rock. To see where else we've been, visit our Press page.

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