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A Wee Christmas Display

I'm not sure what to call this... Christmas diorama? Mini merry montage? Whatever it is, I think its my new favourite Christmas decoration :)

Still on my mini cars with Christmas trees kick, I happened to come across a box full of HandyMan's toy cars from when he was a child. Score! So I tied a dollar store flocked mini tree on the prettiest vintage red convertible.

I wasn't quite sure what I was going to do with it. I thought I might put it on the sideboard in the living room and create a village scene. I wrapped up a few raisin boxes to look like gifts...

and then I spied my thrift store display case which was sitting in the dining room. It still contained some shells from our jaunts to the beach this summer, but after swapping out the shells for Christmas trees and I have this:

Cute overload!! The aquarium sand works perfectly as snow. I put it in the window sill in the front entry and wouldn't you know it, the metal frame of the display case echoed the leaded glass in the window. Like it was meant to be there.

The rest of the front entry was looking a little bare so added in a few more things. The Home Depot was kind enough to send me some ornaments from the Martha Stewart Arctic collection so I decided to make a swag with them using a few simple pine cones and some twine. I also updated the chalk board which now sits on the radiator.

And all of a sudden, the front entry feels a bit more festive. Its like Christmas magic!

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