Christmas Decor 2010
I'm an ornament-o-holic. There I said it. I have way way way too many
Christmas decorations and my problem seems to be getting progressively worse.
You see, I get intrigued by the "it" colours of the season, chartreuse and
citrus colours one year, whites and silvers the next, and then I'm drawn to
different styles - traditional reds and greens; vintagey kitchy things, or the
rustic tones of birch, pinecone, and greenery...which means I've built up a
collection of holiday decor items that has no rhyme nor reason.
I can't be the only one. Do you put out all your decorations? Or are you careful to edit and have a clear colour palette for that year's decor? Me, I must put everything out. I mean I get to see these decorations only once a year so I want to bring everything out and enjoy it.
Which is how I ended up with a mostly modern green and silver tree...

...and a vintage red & white scheme right beside it.

I don't have a mantle so I've strung our stockings on the shutters. I love the skate stockings which I found at Chapters/Indigo. The rest of the red & white decor is a mix of Ikea ornaments and the vintage ornaments HandyMan rescued for me.
After I decorated the tree, as you can expect, the little one became fascinated with all the sparkly ornaments. She was pretty good at just looking at the ornaments and not touching too much. I would let her hang up any of the ones that had fallen off... and, well, you know what that lead to... her pulling ornaments off, dropping them on the floor, and saying "Uh oh" just so she could have the chance to hang them up again. Smart kid, haha.
So to save my ornaments and faux branches from further destruction, I gave her her own little tree, complete with indestructible felt and plastic baubles.

And we are a happy, jolly household once again.